You can join the story by becoming a member.
Membership at Washington West provides you with access to the most exciting aspects of the film festival while also providing you with the opportunity to make a difference in the community. Join Washington West as a member today. Together, we can change the world—one story at a time.
$100 — MEMBER
- Early access to festival tickets
- Discounts on year-round events
- 15% off festival merchandise
- Early access to festival tickets
- Discounts on year-round events
- 15% off festival merchandise
- Special invite to filmmaker and special-guest events
$1,000 — ALL ACCESS
- Early access to festival tickets
- Discounts on year-round events
- 15% off festival merchandise
- Recognition as a donor in our Film Guide and on our website
- Special invite to filmmaker and special-guest events
- All Access pass to film screenings during our festival
For more information about membership, please email